I ran into Sharon Jones who was checking on her red-shirted
“babies” in her cardiac exercise class at Rehab Center for Cardiac &
Pulmonary Patients at Medical Center of Southeast Texas. She said the seniors
often come in “mad and upset” about their condition and before she knows it,
they love their exercise routine and their improved movement. Exercise bikes
with cushy, couch-like seats are a favorite, Jones said.
More than one senior wearing a Mended Hearts shirt indicated
Jones was, well, something like assertive in her means to get them moving.
“I get right in there with them,” Jones said. “ I say ‘Come
on baby, let’s go. You’ve gotta move it.’”
One of her babies didn’t mind telling the time she came to
class on her walker, and Jones told her not to bring it back again. The student
got down to business and was able to leave the walker behind.
the folks to folk art
fitting my family should walk into a folk art exhibit on my belated Dad’s
birthday. A “hot head” fashioned from found electrical items made Mom recall
how my father had a flair for heart-felt yard art and making something from
Spy: Folk Art from the Permanent Collection is on view at Art Museum of
Southeast Texas in Beaumont through Sept. 1. At the opening, we heard Andy Dean
Emmons tell how “Woodpecker” came about. A crape myrtle knot he found by tree
trimmers became the head and he came across bone that looked like wings.
Several artists’ works are in this collection with mediums from aluminum foil
and wood to glitter and clocks.
want boots. Travelers passing through Orange on Interstate 10 make The
Horseman’s Store one of their first or last Texas stops, according to their
destination. I stopped by, inhaled the aroma of leather, then visited with the
staff as I browsed western shirts. Sales associates say those who weren’t born
in Texas want to take some home for themselves and for grandchildren.